Sunday, May 15, 2011

Socks and more socks

So I’ve finally gotten off my butt and written this post.

What I’ve been up to:

Finished a pair of the “Inro Hiking” socks from “Knitted Socks: East and West” for a friend of a friend. The wrapped stitches were hard at first but then after the first few times you can kinda get a knack for them and they went rather quickly.

Here’s the in progress (I didn’t take a lot of photo’s cause the leg part of the sock knitted up really fast once I got going).
(You can see the actual design for the sock on the book page in the background there, this is right after cast on.)
(And then this is later that same day, you can see just how fast this went, I took the pic right after I finished turning the heel of the sock.)
(And here’s one finished sock. Smokey was asleep on my bed so I used him as a display area, I think it worked rather well, he’s good at being very cute.)

And so the next project! I started the Chouwa pattern from the same book back on April 29, but I set it aside to do the above pair. I still haven’t finished the first one yet. It uses a really thin yarn so it knits up a lot slower, though I’m almost done the foot of the first one (as you’ll be able to see in the photo’s). As for when these will be done done, that’s up in the air. I have another gift pair to make before I finish these ones.

So in progress photo’s ahoy!

(Right after cast on.)
(About to change pattern in the leg of the sock.)
(First round of pattern completed, I had to ask for help in reading it because I got confused! Ah the tribulations of being a semi-novice knitter.)
(And here’s where I left it to start the purple pair. Smokey makes a good display rack).
(And after working a bit yesterday and today on it. You can’t see the knitted pattern of stitches in the leg of the sock when it isn’t work. It really has to be stretched out to be seen properly.)

That’s it for now! I haven’t updated because finals were crazy, but I’m hoping to get lots of knitting done over the summer so look for a lot more posts in the future!


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